Frequently Asked Questions

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At PrepWise, we understand that every student learns differently. Our tutors, who are current students themselves, are trained to identify and adapt to various learning styles—whether visual, auditory, reading/writing, or kinesthetic. This personalized approach ensures that each session is tailored to maximize the student's understanding and retention of the material.

We recognize that test anxiety can significantly impact performance. Our tutors share techniques that have personally helped them succeed under pressure, such as breathing exercises, structured study plans to build confidence, and mock tests to simulate the exam environment. These strategies are designed to reduce anxiety and enhance performance on the actual test day.

If a student is not progressing as anticipated, we take a proactive approach. This involves a thorough review of their learning plan, one-on-one discussions to identify any obstacles, and adjustments to their teaching methods or materials. Additionally, we might increase the frequency of sessions or provide supplementary materials to address specific areas where the student is struggling.

At PrepWise, while we do not offer refunds, we will soon provide a trial session of each course to ensure that our teaching style and course content meet the expectations of our students and their parents. This session is designed to give students a clear understanding of what they can expect from the course and allows them to assess whether our approach aligns with their learning needs.

Feedback is an integral part of our teaching approach. After students learn the material, they are required to write SPS essays, similar to those in the admissions test. This exercise not only helps them apply what they've learned but also serves as a feedback mechanism for us to assess their understanding and to refine our tutoring methods accordingly. Parents and students are also encouraged to provide direct feedback through regular communication channels to ensure continuous improvement and satisfaction.

Our tutoring services go beyond just academic preparation by integrating the development of critical life skills. We focus on teaching time management strategies, fostering resilience through challenging coursework, enhancing critical thinking with complex problem-solving exercises, and cultivating effective communication skills through structured debate and essay writing. These elements are woven into our courses to prepare students not just for exams but for lifelong success in various endeavors.

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